BUSINESS HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. | LUNCH: 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. | CLOSED : Federal and Tribal Holidays

Tonalea/Redlake Chapter is one of the 18 Chapters in Western Navajo Agency and a part of District (1). Tonalea Chapter was first recognized and certified as a Navajo Nation Chapter on February 14, 1956 and home to the Elephants Feet Monument.
Your participation is important!
Tonalea Chapter Planning Meeting will be conducted on the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 P.M. (tentative).
Tonalea Chapter Regular Meeting will be conducted on the first Friday of every month at 3:00 P.M. (tentative).
*Chapter membership are encouraged to attend and must be a registered voter.
Tonalea Chapter Government holds community meetings each month for residents to voice their opinions, share their ideas and get directly involved with decisions concerning the community.
Participation of community members are needed to help with local planning and development and to ensure the improvement of the community. Your attendance at meetings and feedback about planning are important.
Come join us at the next meeting. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact the Tonalea Chapter Administration during regular business hours (Monday thru Friday – 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.).
The traditional values, diversity, uniqueness and language of the people of Tonalea have survived throughout generations. We wish to support and keep these values as well as encourage and improvement of the land for the benefit of the people and the future generations.
Tonalea Chapter is a land of endless beauty and rich in culture. With a genuine sense of preserving the Dine’ culture and enthusiasm, we are committed to:
- Provide the Tonalea citizens with accessible local form of government;
- Provide cost effective and efficient delivery of services;
- Challenge, recognize and support the Chapter employees because they affect the services;
- Protect, preserve and care for our Mother Earth;
- Protect, preserve and safeguard our precious water.
We look forward to the future in a cohesive and collaborative working atmosphere to overcome obstacles and challenges with integrity and creativity.
The goals of Tonalea Chapter as set forth below:
1) Enhance Social Services to better meeting the needs of the community.
2) Develop a positive government through partnerships.
3) Establish mutual trust, respect and understanding through education.
PRIORITY PROCESS: The priority process that the Tonalea Chapter developed was through strategic planning sessions, public hearings, discussions and collaboration with the community. Priority Lists are generated and entered into the Wind System – Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan. These information are public.
Darryl Jim | President
Leslie Dele | Vice-President
Marlinda Whiterock | Secretary /Treasurer
Bruce Daw | Grazing Officer
Helena N. Begay | Council Delegate
Planning Meeting: First Thursday of Every Month (tentative)
Regular Chapter Meeting: First Friday of Every Month (tentative)
TCLUP Committee
Vacant | TCLUPc President
Vacant | TCLUPc Vice-President
Vacant | TCLUPc Secretary/Treasurer
Vacant | TCLUPc Member
Bruce Daw | Grazing Officer (Ex-Officio)
Four vacancies to be filled via Chapter Resolution. Interested individuals are encouraged to inquire with the Tonalea Chapter Administration.
Chapter Staff
Betty A. Tso | Chapter Manager
Alfonda Watson| Administrative Assistant